Saturday, February 12, 2005

little guy (gal)

See? That's the thing. I want to quote a familiar phrase-- "the little guy", but in my case that's a misnomer. Everyone wants to quote someone. Makes it authentic that way. Like my way isn't alright enough. My thought or idea somehow needs to be underscored by someone (guy), no (gal), "bigger" than me.

I want to comment on communications or miscommunications, and while surfing around other "big" blog sites where they have underscored LOTS of things with much "bigger" guys ideas, cuz their's aren't concrete enough, I began to get this puny feeling. Here I am blah, blah, blahing about the smudgy little coins in my piggy-bank-mug and overpriced cups of coffee and then again about address changes-- the little things that mean a lot. I haven't posted the one on address changes yet (squirrely little buggers), but I think I'm going to edit the draft and get it on.
Without underscores, without comments.

Did you know corporate America is behind on the blog scene?
I refuse to underscore anything here with a link to someone else who links to someone else who links to someone some ugly blog-tsunami.
And what a g.d. surprise.
Here's my thoughts: Big corporations are still having problems securing their network backdoors. Blogs are like schoolgirl's dating diaries to some of them. Clearly out of reckless ignorance, yes....Truth is, regardless of all the slick corporate annual reports, the cleanly designed websites-- paint makes it what it ain't. That's a saying. And I'm not going to quote anyone. It's all out there.

I quit working for one of the major medical institutions in the country, uh, lessee, nearly 3 months ago. I can still login to their corporate intranet to check my email account. Yes, I still have an account. I'm sure they're planning to roll out a corporate blog campaign anyday now. smirk.