Tuesday, March 01, 2005

My God! How Did I Get Here?!

So screams David Byrne in my head.

It's all about the link. Hyperlinks are like wormholes through cyberspace. After following the currents of a few I find I have forgotten where I was in the first place-- as confused as Dorothy on the yellowbrick road looking for Oz.

Since links are what got you here, PLEASE tell me how what cyber-roadway you followed. The information is important to my quest for all things leading to keyword content and search engine visibility. Sources can tell me about it, how to pursue it and how they achieved page rank, but really there is a starting point for every process and a measurable one, at that. I'm trying to do some of the measuring here. Leave a comment, just brief, won't take but a sec...


Search Engine Visibility, by Shari Thurow. Comprehensive and well-organized information on designing and developing a website optimized for both users and search engines.

Curious about those wormholes in cyberspace? The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace, by Margaret Wertheim theorizes that Man's concept of "space" as explored by early Renaissance artists to modern-day space explorers is directly relative to our concepts of cyberspace and timeless spiritual yearning.