Content's Link To SEO Evolution
As the Nationwide Insurance commercial says, "Life comes at you fast."Things change.
A few months ago I was trying to figure out what all the fuss over Page Rank was about and now I'm finding out, the whole topic is a loser. PR is not top dog anymore. It's LINKS, baby!
Keywords? Nope-- the slippery slope to spam-ville.
The one thing that I cannot imagine changing, though, is content.
Where there are search engines, there is content.
Where there are directories, human or otherwise, there is content.
Where there are links, they are attached to content.
Whether internet marketers are actually marketing the content or using it as a pure tool for marketing, means we still have to make it, write it, film it, draw it, cartoon it, imagine it. Really this brings me to a useful article I was just reading from the Link Building Blog, Building Links With Articles by Andy Hagans from a 5/16/05 posting,
The concept of writing articles and syndicating them in order to give yourself links to your site, even design your own anchor text to go along with the link, proposes the usefulness of content in a pure market strategy. But, from my POV as more of the writer-who-cares-about-quality it's a fantastic chance to discuss CONTENT. Like this article I just cited. This is the very thing that drives the evolutionary lifecycle of SEO that seems to be taking place.
The more solid, take action content there is, the more and faster things change. Hook content to the possibility of making money and the world really turns faster. It's like a big cyber cook-out hashing out theory and opinion over a brat and a beer. By the end of the night the dosey-do has taken place and the party-goers have hooked their wagons to different dates. But that's what's exciting, the ongoing competition to market time the elusive Google algorithm.
It's just one big merry-go-round.
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