Saturday, July 23, 2005

Domain Dumps

Really, the whole concept of online advertisers and marketers figuring out how to fool the search engines and the domain name hosts with short-term, return-it-for-a-full-refund, marketing schemes is somehow brilliant, or mischievous (I'm not sure which is more appropriate), with an equal dose of smarmy.

I begin this in response to a post in Search Engine Watch that links to a titillating article, Pay-Per-Click Speculation Market Growing, by Kevin Murphy of Computer Business Review Online. According to Murphy, in the newest search marketing "trend" online marketers take advantage of buying up hoards of domain names for purposes of "testing" which of them best drives the most marketable traffic. Guess what? They dump them in just enough time to get a full refund.

Wow, there must be some quality content there.