Thursday, October 20, 2005

Google It!

I'd like to draw attention to an article on Search Engine Round Table, The Search Lurch: Have We Become Lazy Googlers or Smart Web Researchers?

Well, I Google nearly everything. The article touches on the increasing reluctance to use bookmarks, instead choosing to Google everything. Googling has gotten easier. Every time we type something into a search field the machine remembers and prompts us in the future when any similar keystrokes are hit. Why search through my unorganized list of Favs-- it's like a closet I have never cleaned out, still full of links (read "crap") from my Database course two years ago.

Do I consider myself lazy? The internet is the lazy-woman's tool. Real motivation is driving to the library to look things up in the newspapers as they are delivered, the recent issues of magazines or actually meeting real people to engage in conversation related to the information you are seeking.